After the deed tax preferences canceled, the deed tax policy is no longer subjected to families, including home buy, spouse and minor children, instead of individual. 同时,二套房契税优惠取消的新标准出台后,契税政策认定不再是以个人为准,而是以家庭为单位,成员范围包括购房人、配偶以及未成年子女。
Real estate tax, fee for use of ground, deed tax, stamp tax, vehicle license tax, and etc. 房地产税?场地使用费?契税印花税?车辆使用牌照税等。
The administration of collection of agricultural tax, animal husbandry tax, cultivated land usage tax and deed tax shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of this law. 农业税、牧业税、耕地占用税、契税的征收管理,参照本法有关规定执行。
This circular provides that where residents firstly purchase ordinary housing, the deed tax rate temporarily decreases to the unified tax rate of1%. 本通知规定将居民首次购买普通住房契税税率暂统一下调至1%。
We have bought a piece of land from another enterprise. How shall I pay the deed tax? 纳税人:我公司受让了其他企业的一块土地,请问如何交纳契税?
It means that all second home buyers shall pay the deed tax by3 percent of the home price. 也就是说,日后再购买第二套住房的购房者,统一缴纳3%的契税。
A transfer of property by deed. Probing into pushing forward Guangdong industry transition's tax collecting countermeasures 财产让渡通过契约的财产转移推进广东产业转移转型税收对策探讨
Hello, I am wondering where I shall report my deed tax for the apartment I have bought in the urban area of Hangzhou. 纳税人:您好!我想咨询一下,我在杭州市区购买了一套房屋,应该到哪里申报缴纳契税?
Department said that new regulations introduced mainly in order to circumvent the deed tax and stamp duty revenue loss. 北京有关税务局说,新条例推出,主要是为了规避契税和印花税的收入损失。
Tax official: At first, as the buyer, you should pay the contract tax on the base of business transaction at 3%. We have bought a piece of land from another enterprise. How shall I pay the deed tax? 税务局:首先作为购房者,您要按成交额的3%缴纳契税。纳税人:我公司受让了其他企业的一块土地,请问如何交纳契税?
New house purchasing deed adjustment hardly has any significant impact on the housing market, whether it is to raise or lower the tax rate, there has little change on either house price or sales volume of Hangzhou real estate market. 新房购置契税税率的调整几乎对商品房市场没有太大影响,无论是提高还是降低税率对商品房市场的成交量和价格都改变不大。
Specifically, land acquisition tax can establish the deed tax, inheritance and gift tax of two types of taxes. 具体地讲,土地取得税设契税、遗产和赠与税两个税种。